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E004 – How To Create a Podcast That Wins

A Generational Perspective on War

So, here we are, constantly reminded by every news outlet that there’s a war between Russia and Ukraine. A conflict that could potentially be an existential crisis for humanity – all because Vladimir Putin is talking about nukes.

If you’re from my generation, you’re no stranger to hearing about war with the Russians, nuclear threats, and cinematic depictions like ‘Red Dawn’, ‘Top Gun’, ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ – you name it. Growing up in the eighties, all we heard about was the imminent threat of nuclear war, Ronald Reagan dropping bombs on Gaddafi, and a variety of other global tensions.

The return of these conversations doesn’t have the same impact on me as it might for some of you. Particularly, the younger you are, the scarier these realities may appear.

I wanted to do this episode because I feel like it’s the perfect time to talk about trust. Who do you trust and why? Now, what does trust have to do with war? Let me explain.

Questioning the Media Narrative

The first thing I’d ask is, how do you know what you’re being told is true? Do you know these people reporting the news to you? Do they have a track record of honesty? Do they tell you the truth across the board or are the stories cherrypicked for your consumption?

Regardless of your political alignment – left, right, moderate, libertarian – you’re all consuming the same news. Every channel, be it CNN, Fox News, BBC, or Al Jazeera, they’re all discussing the war. In the publishing industry, there’s a saying, “if it bleeds, it leads.” The more violent, bloody, or scary a story, the more likely it’ll make the front page, garner clicks, and consequently, make money.

The Profitable Fear Factor and Its Impact on Trust

Now, consider this – if someone’s goal is to keep the lights on and telling a feel-good story about unity and peace among diverse populations doesn’t draw enough attention, what then? Human beings, as unfortunate as it is, are naturally drawn towards calamity. But then I ask, have you ever thought about the fact that the narrative shared with you is profitable for those disseminating it? Does this make you question its accuracy? Can you trust it?

Simplicity, War, and Human Rights

And then we come to the matter of simplicity. Is the world so simple that there are only black and white hats? As if we’re in an old cowboy movie, with the good guy wearing the white hat and the bad guy, the black. Is that how this war is taking place – one group of white hats against another of black hats, and nothing more to consider? I don’t necessarily support either side, because I don’t have a stake in this fight. I’m just saddened by the human suffering, loss of life, destruction of property, and violation of human rights.

Shifting Media Narratives and Trust

This conflict didn’t just happen overnight. It’s been brewing for years. Yet, just two weeks ago, the media was inundating us with information about Canadian truckers and their fight for liberty. The narrative changes as per convenience, and this leads me back to my initial question – who do you trust?

The Importance of Critical Thinking and Research

A part of this trust involves critical thinking and research. Don’t rely solely on news stations whose existence relies on profit. Determine and study truth and history for yourself. There’s nothing new under the sun, and most events happening in the world today have likely happened before.

Weaponization of Finance: A Rising Phenomenon

One historical phenomenon, though, that’s becoming increasingly apparent due to technological advancements, is the weaponization of finance. We witnessed this in Canada with the government shutting down truckers’ financial access. They stopped them from banking, paying bills, using credit cards, and threatened anyone who supported them. In Russia and Ukraine, the same thing is happening with nations imposing sanctions and disrupting economies through the digitization of finance.

The Future of Finance

This precedent is worrisome because, once set, it’s hard to roll back. Today, it’s being used to halt protests or stop a dictator from invading another country. Tomorrow, it could be used to quash dissent or obstruct a political party.

Bitcoin: A Hedge Against Global Volatility

This podcast episode might differ from my usual topics, but I felt it was essential to express these thoughts as a firm believer in truth. That brings us to the topic of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

I’ve been advocating for Bitcoin for years. Is Bitcoin the pinnacle of technological advancements? No. Are there other cryptocurrencies that outperform Bitcoin? Yes. But Bitcoin is universally accepted and will continue to lead, in my opinion.

This crisis should provide enough evidence of the importance of investing in Bitcoin, which allows you to maintain some control over your wealth amidst global volatility. This isn’t financial advice, but my personal view.

Trust, Truth, and Our Fragile Existence

In conclusion, it’s crucial to be careful who you trust and always search for truth. Our privileged life in the West is a fragile experiment, and we must look out for each other to ensure it doesn’t vanish in an instant.

Stay safe, be blessed.


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